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by Doug
Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:00 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Saltwater Tanks in the Long Ago Time...
Replies: 1
Views: 4378

Saltwater Tanks in the Long Ago Time...

Saturday past, I visited the aquarium store I worked at 25-30 years ago. As of that date, it had only been re-opened two weeks since Katrina. The memories flooded back of a time where saltwater hobbyists themselves were pioneers, innovators, experimenters, jury-riggers. Those were heady times. A non...
by Doug
Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:02 pm
Forum: Set-Up Hardware
Topic: Chiller
Replies: 5
Views: 7514

I would say you only need a chiller if you cannot keep the water temp in your desired range for some reason: * Lighting system outputting too much heat. * Trying to keep cold water species. * Don't want to pay to run A/C all day. (but running a chiller may offset some savings) In the absence of adde...
by Doug
Thu Nov 02, 2006 10:21 pm
Forum: Set-Up Hardware
Topic: Tank to....
Replies: 1
Views: 4322

There is no way to "post" pics to the forum. Images must be hosted by a server somewhere on the internet, and linked to in a forum post. Images can be included in forum posts by either link or inline. Linking is the preferred method as inline forces any viewer of the thread to wait for any...
by Doug
Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:36 pm
Forum: Set-Up Hardware
Topic: Plexiglass sump/refugium
Replies: 4
Views: 7160

I would think 1/4" would be sufficient at those given dimensions. 3/8" would be overkill. Maybe bars of 3/8" for bracing, though. The other questions-- can't say.
by Doug
Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:38 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Feeding tube anenome's ??
Replies: 1
Views: 4636

If a nickel-size chunk of your eel chow sinks and doesn't fall apart too much, get a suitable length of 1" rigid tubing, insert into tank with end near (but not so close as to disturb) tube anem, drop chunk through tube so anem can grab it. Wrasse will not be able to poach, and you can use tube...
by Doug
Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:53 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Replies: 2
Views: 5571

Back in the day, even before Ger was just a cocky little shaver coming to buy tropicals wholesale where I used to to work, we used to make a concoction very similar to the above. The only differences, immaterial though they may be, were that we used liquid baby vitamins and we had a source of cheap ...
by Doug
Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:16 pm
Forum: Set-Up Hardware
Topic: Tank dimensions
Replies: 2
Views: 4848

Nominal base dimensions are 72"x18", which can vary according to manufacturer and type of trim used. Height on a 125 is typically around 22", 24" on a 135, again with variance from maker to maker. There was no standard 150 in my day, but I see some that are 60"x24" and ...
by Doug
Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:13 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Question???
Replies: 8
Views: 9914

Although I've not experienced it personally, I've had people insist bristleworms killed their anemones by attacking them below the gravel line. If it's a difference between leaving them alone for some perceived value, or picking them out out of erring on the side of caution, I'd pick the latter. I a...
by Doug
Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:10 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Question???
Replies: 8
Views: 9914

A better question would be what don't they tear up. Arrow crab popularity, I believe, comes largely from their unusual appearance coupled with their relatively inexpensive price. Maybe that and there's a lot of them out there to collect, and they're hardy and make it through shipping.
by Doug
Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:21 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Question???
Replies: 8
Views: 9914

Arrow crabs are good at "controlling" a lot of things including, unfortunately, things you've paid good money for. I wouldn't recommend them.
by Doug
Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:01 am
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Question???
Replies: 8
Views: 9914

Certainly not friend, but, as to foe, it varies by degree. I'd get rid of any I could before they get out of hand. Those little 2-inchers have a way of turning into monsters. You'll have to bait them out or flush them out. A bag made of pantyhose with a piece of shrimp in it can lure them and hang t...
by Doug
Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:56 pm
Forum: Saltwater Fish & Invertebrates
Topic: Feeding options
Replies: 3
Views: 5989

Freeze-dried brine shrimp or FD pacifica plankton? Hawks aren't picky-- they'll eat anything. Get that angel plenty of green stuff-- spirulina or the sheet algae.
by Doug
Sun Jun 25, 2006 1:02 pm
Forum: General Aquarium
Topic: The Dreaded Water Change...
Replies: 2
Views: 10045

I went to a talk many years ago, sponsored by the long-defunct local aquarium society, and the speaker insisted, since "change" in an aquarium is bad, that it be called a "partial water exchange"...
by Doug
Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:58 pm
Forum: General Aquarium
Topic: what do I do after I leave the Fish store with my fish?
Replies: 5
Views: 13177

A trick to help introduce new fish, if you're willling to do so, is to rearrange the tank decorations. Territories previously established will be lost, and everybody's on a level playing field.
by Doug
Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:48 pm
Forum: Set-Up Hardware
Topic: Night time lighting
Replies: 2
Views: 5501

Generally, the only place I would think of leaving tank lights on 24/7 would be in a pet store, where it would serve as an after-hours window attraction and possible crime deterrent. Once fish leave the store and are moved to a permanent home, a reasonable day/night cycle is preferable. The chemical...